Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wise (and sucky) Decisions

Craig and I had "a grown up conversation" last night about life and finances and what's best for us and the consensus is we're staying in our apartment for at least 6 more months.

We've always been the couple to decide we need something and then tweak and twist things to make it so in the time frame or the price range that we need - budget and comfort be damned! Sometimes it works out: our marriage, Ella, moving across the country. Sometimes it has a bit more pain in the ass consequences: our newer furniture (which we're still paying off), our fancy phones (which we love but that are pricier). In that vein, we want to be in a new place and we want it yesterday. We could make a move work and while we'd be happy with a new place (obscenely happy to some extent), it'd end up just making us poorer and more stressed in the long run.


In light of all that intelligent, rational thinking (pfft), we've decided that it's smarter to stay where we are, pay off some debt, save up some money, and look for something in the spring once we're a bit more stable. We're also both hoping (but not counting on) a bit more income by that time so waiting will give us a chance to know our finances a little bit better.

It sucks that we're stuck in a complex that's dirty, ghetto, and slightly dangerous with an apartment that's beyond tiny, doesn't have window screens, and has a crappy door. However, the silver lining includes the fact that the apartment is solidly built, maintenance is fast and friendly, we're close friends and a nice park, and this will be the first time since 2007 that we haven't packed up and moved one year after arriving. hehe It's a dingy silver lining but there it is. :)

Being a responsible grown up stinks. :p

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