Thursday, December 24, 2009

One More Sleep Till Christmas

Well, it's Christmas time again. Time has flown by. Things are, as always ever-changing. What we thought about two years ago as our future is no longer. What we thought we would be doing and where we would be living last year is radically different as well. We're finally in a place where *maybe* what we think of this year will come to pass next year. Maybe.

I suppose I should wait until New Year's to look back on the last year but really, why wait? Christmas always makes me a bit more "think-y" than I ought to be anyway.

The last year in reflection:
  • A final push for Craig: the last semester in seminary.
  • Many awesome pub nights with friends
  • Never a dull moment for me at work
  • Easter spent in West Virginia with family - it snowed!
  • Graduation in May - family arrives from both coasts to celebrate
  • Our friend Ryan gets his plate at the Saucer and a bunch of us gather to drink in his honor
  • We travel back to West Virginia and Pennsylvania to celebrate Craig's grandpa's 91st birthday and get to see family from Chicago and Maryland as a bonus
  • Our 2nd anniversary is spent in Atlanta and was awesome! Champagne, aquariums, Muppets, and a fancy dinner.
  • Just a few days after our anniversary weekend we find out we're expecting! Woot!
  • Another trip up to West Virginia and Pennsylvania for a cousin's wedding party and a baby announcement
  • A trip to Seattle for a final interview...fingers crossed!
  • Craig gets a job offer and we start to plan a cross country move
  • Craig arrives in Seattle in September and sets to work prepping the apartment and settling into his job
  • McKenzie says a sad goodbye to Columbia but a happy hello to Seattle as she arrives in the Northwest
  • Awesome OB doc is found and the big announcement - It's a girl!
  • McKenzie gets a job that helps with the bills and forces her to be out amidst the rest of human kind of a regular basis.
  • Craig and McKenzie spend the rest of the year (a whole two months) adjusting to the weather, the people, the different driving/parking quirks, the lay of the land
  • McKenzie's family visits for Thanksgiving and Christmas
All in all - an eventful year and one that I will be happy to see end. I'm looking forward to March and to new adventures with the Falvo 3 instead of the Falvo 2.

Merry Christmas to all!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


We have internet at home! Woot! I will now be able to post a bit more than recently. My posts and thoughts seem to have gotten lost in the shuffle of the last few months. I would write everything down I needed to do on the internet, pack up all bits and pieces, and trek over to Craig's office or the library to get connected. I would then realize I had hours of stuff to cram into a fraction of that time and thus posting ended up last and was never done.

I now have no excuse. To increase my excuse-less status, I now have a fully repaired computer. I took my Mac into the Apple store today and in one hour they not only gave me a totally new hard drive (goodbye old hard drive and along with it pictures from Seattle from our visit for Craig's interview and a bunch of notes for myself on stickie notes) but also a new external case for the computer as my old plastic one was chipped and cracked. They completed this helpful and speedy service for FREE! Woot! Apparently my warranty is still good. Yay!

Thank goodness I had recently backed up my comptuer so I didn't lose too much data.

Best. Day. Ever.