Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sweating it Out

I worked out 12 days in January.  I worked out 20 days in February.  I'm shooting for 25 days in March.  Onward and upward is my thinking.

I'm trying to build in myself a love of working out.  Mostly, I love naps, reading books, and watching television.  However, after two months of fairly consistent exercise, I can honestly say that I'm starting to love it.  I really love it when I'm done.  I feel accomplished.  I feel sore and proud to be sore.  I have started writing down my workouts in my planner and highlighting them with a green marker.  It's truly awesome to look over a month and see loads of green!

Craig has even started working out as well.  He's a self-proclaimed lazy person but a bit of Wii Fit fun (I bought it for him for Christmas) and some of my enthusiasm/heckling have worked together to get him moving.  :)

To be perfectly honest, I think we're both exceeding our expectations regarding healthy living because we're in limbo.  Craig is almost done with his Master's degree and has applications out all over the US.  We're not sure where we'll be or what we'll be doing in the months to come.  We could be here; we could be thousands of miles away.  It's really exciting and thrilling and irritating all at once!  We have so many plans - house, kids, garden, projects, etc - that we're trying to get ready for it all by focusing on ourselves and our health.

I have a secondary motive as well.  If we do end up going somewhere, it'll be like a new beginning - a fresh start.  I'd like to start that start (hee) being the best I could possibly be.  I'm already pretty awesome (hey, it's taken me years to be able to say that about myself so I'm allowed a little vanity now and then.)  I would also like bangs but that is another obsession and one that I am approaching cautiously as I've never had them before.  As my mother said the other day, "Are you sure?  You have a low forehead."  I replied with a sight, "I am not a neanderthal, Mom.  I have a small forehead, not a low one."  hee

All in all - Craig and I are getting ourselves ready for changes down the pike by eating better and exercising more.  I am also collecting pictures of bangs I think might work on my face. :)

In case you haven't gathered, I'm a little bit odd.  I like that.  It keeps people on their toes.  :)

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