Sunday, March 1, 2009


This is my life, in words.  

My name is McKenzie.  I am 28, married, mom to two cats and a dog, hopelessly nerdy, surprisingly loud, and a historian/historic preservationist.  My husband Craig is 31, a graduate student at a seminary, hysterically funny, a delightful grouch, and absolutely (to a surprising and intense degree) devoted to family and friends.  

We are getting ready to make the next big jump in our life together and move.  We don't know where.  I have a great job where we are now but we feel that God is pointing us in a different direction.  Craig has applications out to a variety of jobs scattered throughout the country.  We are waiting to see what happens and feeling pretty positive about the whole experience.  We're tired of feeling like transients and long for a community where we can plant roots and grow.  We want a house, a garden, kids...the whole shebang. 

Things feel tightly wound as of late.  I think something's getting ready to happen.  It's a good feeling.

This is a new story - the story of us.  If you want to catch up on the story of me told sporadically over the past two years, check out this blog to do so.  That was about me.  That was about looking back and thinking.  This is about our family: me, Craig, the dog, the cats, my insanity (it has its own place at the table, folks).  All the good stuff.  I needed a place to move forward.

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