I went in for my third doctor's appointment on October 1st. I was, as I am at all visits, nervous that even though there have been no signs there is something wrong. At the appointment previously, the doctor couldn't pick up the heartbeat because the Bean kept moving around like crazy. We saw it on the ultrasound and the doctor said she saw a strong heartbeat but we couldn't hear anything. This visit was to listen to the heart and just make sure all was okay. I was worried (because that's what I do) and hoped everything was okay. Luckily everything went perfectly!
My blood pressure was lower than last time and spot on perfect! I gained a whole 1lb which is exactly what the doctor told me I should gain in a month. So weight-wise I'm now back at my pre-prego weight. I gained gained 3 right away, lost 4 during the remainder of the 1st trimester, and this 1 lb gain means I'm back. Yay! (This may seem obsessive to some but being overweight, I'm watching this closely to make sure I'm a safe place for the Bean to grow!)
And...the best news of all...I heard the heartbeat! It was a strong, steady 156 bpm. :) So cool! The doctor was really happy with that and said everything felt/looked great! My belly's starting to poke out but it hasn't done the rounded prego thing - I just look like I've been eating junk food a lot. :)
I'm hoping that the new OB (no, I don't have one yet but we're still waiting on our new insurance information) will want to do the big ultrasound that tells us "boy vs girl" sooner rather than later. I'm now 17 weeks so by the time I'm up in the Seattle area and have an appointment I'll be around 20 weeks or later! Can't wait! :)
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