I only have these shivers of adulthood once in a while and when they come I experience moments that I can only describe as not unlike those scenes in movies where someone is standing in the foreground and then the scene behind them, usually a hallway or a room, lengthens and stretches in such a way to give you a sense of shrinking movement. I feel a sense of my universe expanding with these moments - shifting and changing the bonds around me.
This evening, sometime after dinner, my universe expanded when I had the slowly dawning realization that Craig and I will be hosting our first Thanksgiving and Christmas with family. Whoa. Major adult moment. We've done the solitary holidays. Our first Thanksgiving and Christmas as Falvos were sans family and were totally awesome. They weren't awesome because we didn't have any family. They were awesome because we started a couple new traditions and just got to relax together. We've also had some family holidays. Last Thanksgiving we spent time in Florida with Craig's family for the holiday and a wedding. Last Christmas we visited my family in California. Never have we hosted family for a holiday.
I'm completely excited!! It'll will be weird and terrific and memorable all at once. We're not sure yet if Christmas will be a both-sides event but we know that my family will be up for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Craig's already thinking about the size of the turkey he'll need; I'm already thinking about the size of the Christmas tree I'll need; and my father's already thinking about whether or not we'll be able to pick up the Macy's Parade. :D Teh awesome.
And on a smaller (and yet way bigger) note, if the thought of being the ones hosting the holidays wasn't daunting enough, the growing Bean inside me gives me pause more often than not about how quickly my life is changing. I texted Craig today after I ate lunch because of the amount of swish-y movement I felt in my belly. Friends are starting to notice the changes. I can no longer wear the pants I like. There's definitely a baby inside me and life will never be the same. How awesome in every definition of the word!