Sunday, September 13, 2009


I meant to blog this a week ago but as my earlier post indicates, things are a bit crazy now. I'm a little over 13 weeks pregnant! Just when things couldn't get any more insane - right?

I found out on July 9th at like 6 in the morning. I was just 4 weeks along. I woke Craig up with the news and he got a little choked up. It was too cute! We told my immediate family and his the next day as we were driving up to visit his family for his grandfather's 91st birthday that weekend. We also told his grandfather, aunt from Maryland, and family from Chicago. We knew we wouldn't see them in person again so we felt it was worth it. I also told a couple close friends because I had to talk to someone about it! :)

We kept mum through much of August though I did tell my boss a few weeks later. On September 3rd (Week 12), we went into the doctor and saw an informal ultrasound. The OB said she could see a strong heartbeat and that was a good sign. The Bean tried to get away from the sensor and was pretty active. It was amazing! It was so active, in fact, that she couldn't get it pinned down to get a heartbeat. She's fairly confident that she can pick up a heartbeat at the next visit on Oct 1 (16 weeks). Sadly, Craig will be in Washington by then but at least he won't be missing the big ultrasound for gender or anything. He's pretty upset about it but he won't miss anything after that and I know he'll feel better once I'm out with him and he can feel the baby move and all that good stuff. :)

Big changes for the Falvo family!

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