31. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?
I'd have to say it's always the present. I was very passionate about my studies and my life experiences during graduate school and I miss feeling that way now. I like my job well enough but I'm not passionate about it. However, I'm crazy passionate about my family and making my life where I'm living, so to speak. I love the area we live in. I love watching my daughter grow. I love evenings chatting about life with my husband. I miss the job aspect right now but life is a cycle and something will come around. I'm happier with what I have than what could have been.
32. If not now, then when?
See above. :)
33. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?
What's it? Achieved what? I don't know if I'm atypical because I haven't plowed through life with a goal. I tend to approach things wondering what experiences I will get and what friends I can make along the way. Perhaps, in a sense, I'm achieving that goal all the time simply by living.
34. Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?
Yes. I have a handful of friends and family with whom I feel that connection. I'm such a talker that sometimes it's hard to find that experience but there are people I know will be that person for me if I or they need it.
35. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?
Perhaps because religions are made up of humans and humans can be petty and vicious creatures? I don't really have an answer but the ideas and beliefs that people have, no matter how noble, cannot remove all traces of human-ness from their followers. We are not perfect and can damage the things that we devote ourselves too by our zealousness and unyielding qualities. Religion, politics, self-preservation (be it preservation of food for families or status through wealth or reputation) are things that people so closely identify with that they are sometimes willing to go to great and destructive lengths to protect what they view as themselves and their place in the world.
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