I’ve been in a bit of a post-graduation haze this week. Craig graduated May 15 and our families were in town – my parents from California, his from Pennsylvania, and an aunt and uncle from Ohio. We had a great albeit exhausting time. I didn’t really get much time to recover so I’m sort of zombie-ing it through the week until I can sleep in on Monday morning. Thank goodness for Memorial Day! I have a meeting tonight, a lecture tomorrow night, volunteering to assist in gravestone cleaning on Saturday morning, and a dance show down in Charleston on Sunday. Whew!
Graduation pictures will be up as soon as my dad posts them on his Picasa page and I can snag them and post them here.
The weekend of family was great but I’m beginning to feel a bit at a loss. I had been so focused on getting everything ready for family, getting everything ready for graduation, etc that I’m sort of sitting a bit blankly after it’s all over. We’re looking at another year in Columbia which is great but just not what I expected. I had expected planning a move and searching for a job right about now. I am eternally grateful for being able to avoid both of those loathsome chores because a) moving blows and b) I love my job here. However, because I have been freed from those icky tasks, I now need to refocus myself. What should I do? What do I need to do? Do I have goals/tasks/hobbies that I want to fulfill?
Craig and I aren’t planning too many trips in the near future. We’re tapped out monetarily and I’m running low on annual leave. We are heading to Atlanta for our anniversary weekend (so excited!) and we are also heading up to Pennsylvania in July to celebrate Craig’s grandpa’s 91st birthday. Yep – 91 and still a firecracker! After that, we’re free and clear and thusI have no excuse for not finding some summer project.
One summer project, which to be perfectly frank is a life project, is my constant struggle to get in shape. I’ve spent my entire life trying to come to terms with and accept my physical appearance while at the same time seeking to improve it. It’s a contradiction that doesn’t generally sit well in my head. My quest to be a healthy individual is on-going. I’m going to be working on that separate from some new summer project. I’ll actually be posting about my fitness journey separately because we just got the new EA Active game for the Wii and Craig and I are both doing the 30 day challenge. I’ll be updating with my progress and how I’m feeling about it all.
Back to the main focus of this blog – I feel a bit lost with no clear projects/events to tackle so I am blogging to talk it out, to find something for me to do. If left to my own devices, I’d fritter all my time away and never end up with anything. I need to remind myself of the things that need done/that would be fun to do. Here are some ideas:
It sounds so boring/cliché but I have loads of stuff from our wedding and from a trip I took to England that really out to be put in some kind of order so as to preserve a record of some kind. I have pub coasters and ticket stubs and pamphlets from England, not to mention over 1000 pictures on my computer. I have receipts, schedules, cards, and bits and pieces from the wedding. It would really give me a project and be sort of fun. The only problem is money. At least for England, I need to print a bunch of pictures to start. Maybe I should start on the wedding one. Hmm.
I have bits and pieces of a story I’ve been working on but I never set aside the time to write. I keep thinking if I tried setting aside an hour a day to just writing I’d at least get to flex those muscles.
Book Sale! Ebay! Donations!
Our apartment needs to be cleaned out. We won’t be at this place forever and we’ve accumulated a lot of stuff over the years. We keep talking about donations to Salvation Army, selling bits on Ebay, getting rid of the excess. I think a bit of time each weekend could be given over to sorting through all of our crap to try and thin it down. This thought is strongly encouraged by the fact that my parents are planning a trip across the country with all my stuff in tow to drop at my door in July. 10 boxes of books, a few other boxes of random stuff, and an antique double bed (with or without mattress and boxspring). Gah! We already have 8 bookshelves in the apartment and they’re so full books are double-stacked in places. Craig’s off for the summer so if I got it all together, he could make sure things got mailed or taken to the donation center or given away. Hmm.
Those are three ideas which, really when I think about it, could all be conducted to varying degrees this summer (and on into the fall.) We do really need to get rid of some stuff and if we sold it, the cash certainly wouldn’t hurt us. The scrapbooking would also eliminate some of the clutter in the office so it’ll be ready for the stuff from California. I’ll have to think on all of this and post my decision later. I’m thinking it’ll probably be massive culling of the apartment, writing appointments, and scrapbooking on the weekends. That’s my thought at the moment anyway.
This post summed up briefly: McKenzie needs to rethink her goals/activities/etc because, as always, time moves on.
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