Sunday, March 15, 2009

Techno-joy? Techno-fear?

I like to think that while being relatively tech-saavy, I'm not wholly dependent upon our plugged in brethren.  My recent (pointless) foray into Twitter tells me otherwise.**

In the last 30 minutes I have managed to create a Twitter account, set up my cell phone so I can update from it, link Twitter to my Facebook account so I can update my FB status from Twitter, and link Twitter to my blog to make sure that aside from pointless daily drivel in blog form, anyone who's bored enough to stumble on this page and read something can also find out what I'm doing *thisminute* via either my Twitter page or my cell phone.  I should be appalled and I am on a tiny level.  Sadly, the greater emotion I'm experiencing is fascination.  hehe  I love Twitter's streamlined appearance and (relatively) intuitive approach.  I think it's kind of nifty (yes, nifty) that I can be wandering around Target and send an update to Twitter to let my whole one follower (who's probably with me in Target anyway as he's married to me) know that I'm in consumeristic heaven.  


I thought I could avoid some of the technological fluff that's out there.  I thought that my disgust with the Kindle concept and my numerous activites outside and away from the computer would distinguish me from technophiles.  But, no.  I love all of this random technological crap that allows us to know way more than we ever should about our friends and relatives at the same time allowing us to share to the same deep, slightly disturbing levels with them.  I love it all.

Somebody save me from myself.

**It should be noted that I blame my new interest in Twitter on Craig.  He's the real technophile.  I'm the lemming that follows along after.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a lemming, too! Our husbands are so alike. And, like you, I'm fascinated by all the meandering we can do into each other's lives without even seeing one another! I love it. . .because, alluding to your latest post, I can feel like I DO somehow "belong" in a certain place--even if it's cyberspace these last few years--with my buddies near and far. . .strange? Yes. But it's my reality for now, I guess. :)
