In trying to find that elusive work/life balance I have been struggling to carve out time for myself in addition to time with my family and friends. This blog has suffered. I'm working to refocus my lift to try and ensure as much time as possible for myself and my family. I will be trying to blog and might be re-tooling the blog to reflect the changes.
In new news that's not so new - we're expecting our second child! Baby #2 is due to arrive sometime in mid-January. I'm a bit over 17 weeks along. We will be finding out the sex in order to know whether to wash and sort all the baby girl clothes we have or give away and look for more. We are excited and a little scared to expand the family. Ella's thrilled and has already told her daycare teacher that I am "having a sister and [Ella] will share all of her toys but not Minnie because babies bite." Ground rules are developing. :)
We are still struggling to make ends meet. We are still struggling to find space and a place for ourselves and our family but things are infinitely better than they were.
We have a community of friends in the area who provide wonderful support and laughter.
We have an amazing church that grounds us.
Family, while too far away, is always in contact and visits regularly.
There are many things I think about changing - proximity to the grandparents, financial situation, past decision affecting today - but nothing in those thoughts diminishes my love of the present.