I suppose I should wait until New Year's to look back on the last year but really, why wait? Christmas always makes me a bit more "think-y" than I ought to be anyway.
The last year in reflection:
- A final push for Craig: the last semester in seminary.
- Many awesome pub nights with friends
- Never a dull moment for me at work
- Easter spent in West Virginia with family - it snowed!
- Graduation in May - family arrives from both coasts to celebrate
- Our friend Ryan gets his plate at the Saucer and a bunch of us gather to drink in his honor
- We travel back to West Virginia and Pennsylvania to celebrate Craig's grandpa's 91st birthday and get to see family from Chicago and Maryland as a bonus
- Our 2nd anniversary is spent in Atlanta and was awesome! Champagne, aquariums, Muppets, and a fancy dinner.
- Just a few days after our anniversary weekend we find out we're expecting! Woot!
- Another trip up to West Virginia and Pennsylvania for a cousin's wedding party and a baby announcement
- A trip to Seattle for a final interview...fingers crossed!
- Craig gets a job offer and we start to plan a cross country move
- Craig arrives in Seattle in September and sets to work prepping the apartment and settling into his job
- McKenzie says a sad goodbye to Columbia but a happy hello to Seattle as she arrives in the Northwest
- Awesome OB doc is found and the big announcement - It's a girl!
- McKenzie gets a job that helps with the bills and forces her to be out amidst the rest of human kind of a regular basis.
- Craig and McKenzie spend the rest of the year (a whole two months) adjusting to the weather, the people, the different driving/parking quirks, the lay of the land
- McKenzie's family visits for Thanksgiving and Christmas
Merry Christmas to all!