Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Late Introductions

I think I really need to put more pictures up on the blog. I have tons and tons that never (really) see the light of day. This might be a good way to start. Here are some introductions:

The Falvo Family


28. Born in Ohio, raised in California, and currently residing in the South (going on 4 years now.) Loves: books, reading magazines back to front, summer rain/thunderstorms, traveling, the Christmas season, fam and friends. Hates: drivers who don't use their turn signals, Palmetto bugs, 


31. Born and raised in southwestern Pennsylvania, and currently residing in the South (also for 4 years now.) Loves: video games, books, hot sauce, hockey, arguing theology, and me...well really all of our friends and family.  Hates: tomatoes, the Cleveland Browns, the Detroit Redwings, and morons on the road.


4 ½. Born in South Carolina and adopted by McKenzie in January of 2006. Loves: belly rubs, treats, lettuce, catnip, and naps. Hates: Brigid, water, being picked up.


1 ½. Born in North Carolina and adopted by Craig and McKenzie in November of 2007 as a scrawny, sickly baby. Loves: water bowls to play in, Chestnut, Brigid, McKenzie, running around crazy in the house, hair bands.  Hates: Craig (sometimes), sudden movements, any visitors to the house, being picked up.


 1 ½. Born in South Carolina and adopted by Craig and McKenzie in August of 2008. Loves: her family, her toys, anything she can chew on, her Kong ball with a treat in it.  Hates: baths, hard rain, being left alone for too long, and Toby the evil Seminary dog.