Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A small note

It is on my list to start blogging more regularly...hell, it's on my list to make a list of things I'd like to do with a little more consistency.  hehe  

Until then, just a small note to say that never in this day and age did I expect to hear about the "scourge of pirates" and not have it associated with a) history, b) a movie, or c) a history channel marathon.  It's very strange to constantly be hearing about pirates on NPR every morning.

History as a mobius strip, I suppose.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I'm sitting at my In-Laws' house in West Virginia on an April morning watching it snow, and I mean really snow, outside.  It's completely awesome!

We arrived on a warm-ish sunny Saturday.  Sunday was lovely - mid 60s and all that.  Monday it turned cold, clounds moved in and it rained.  By evening it was sleeting a little with tiny bits of ice raining down on us which tinkled like glass upon hitting the pavement.  It began to dust snow later at night and we all woke up this morning to almost an inch of snow and more on the way.  It's apparently "wet snow" as I've been told so it makes really nice snowballs.  Brigid, our dog, wasn't too phased by it while she was out in it though watching it fall from insides seems to confuse her a little.  Belle, our parents' dog, isn't phased at all.  :)

I'm thinking of taking Brigid on a bit of walk today, looping the mile up and around this neighborhood.  I think she'd love to walk in the snow and I know I would!  The only thing deterring me is the rather obscenely steep hill/road to get around the circle.  This town, like apparently all towns in West Virginia, is anchored around and atop mountains.  This makes driving rather nerve-fraying but always interesting.  

Today is a lazy day.  I plan to read, rest, and watch the snow fall.  There is an electrician coming to fix the new hot tub out back and I am very hopeful that I will be able to sit in a hot tub tonight while it snows.  We shall see.  The rest of the week involves driving into Pittsburgh to see a variety of people.  It'll be busy but until then - I'm going to go look at the snow.